Computer Abbreviation Questions

Are you preparing for competitive exams in Pakistan and finding computer terminologies a bit difficult and confusing? No worries, we’ve got you covered! Welcome to our List of Computer Abbreviations A to Z, your place for becoming proficient and acquiring the world of important computer acronyms and abbreviations. Exams in Pakistan like many others worldwide often include questions about these tricky computer terms. That’s why we’ve precisely assembled the most essential and commonly used computer abbreviation questions (MCQs) right here.

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Full Form of Computer Abbreviations

No.AbbreviationFull Form
1.CADComputer Aided Design
2.CDCompact Disk
3.CRTCathode Ray Tube
4.DBMSData Base Management System
5.DMADirect Memory Access
7.ACMAssociation for Computing Machinery
8.ALGOLAlgorithmic Language
9.ALUArithmetic Logic Unit
10.ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
11.BPIBytes Per Inch
12.CDCControl Data Corporation
13.GHzGiga Hertz
14.GBGiga Bytes
15.FMSFile Management System
16.HPHewlett Packard
17.GUIGraphical User Interface
18.HTMLHypertext Markup Language
19.HSSHierarchical Storage System
20.HTTPHypertext Transport Protocol
21.IBMInternational Business Machine
22.ICIntegrated Circuit
23.IDNIntegrated Digital Networks
24.IPInternet Protocol
25.ISPInternet Service Provider
26.JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group
27.KBKilo Bytes
28.KHzKilo Hertz
29.LANLocal Area Network
30.LCDLiquid Crystal Display
31.LEDLight Emitting Diode
32.OCROptical Character Recognition
33.OMROptical Mark Reader
34.OSOperating System
35.PCPersonal Computer
36.PDFPortable Document Format
37.TCPTransport Control Protocol
38.USBUniversal Serial Bus
39.TBTera Bytes
40.VGAVideo Graphics Array
41.WWWWorld Wide Web
42.AVIAudio Video Interleave
43.CD-RCompact Disk – Recordable
44.CPUCentral Processing Unit
45.DOCData Optimizing Computer
47.DNSDomain Name System
48.DVDDigital Video/Versatile Disc
49.DVDRDigital Versatile Disk Recordable
50.DVRDigital Video Recorder

These are some of the most important computer abbreviations that are asked in different government jobs’ exams. The paper setter ask these acronyms in the form of Multiple Choice Questions.