Distinctive Names of Cities in the World – Gk

Competitive exams in Pakistan like PPSC, FPSC, NTS, OTS, CSS MPT and others covers a wide range of subjects including distinctive or special names of countries as well as cities of world that is an important part of General Knowledge. Here we are trying to cover some of the most important and frequently asked questions about the uniquely or distinctive name of cities in the world.

List of Questions about Distinctive Names of Cities

Which city is known as the City of Eternal Springs?
a. Ankara
b. Islamabad
c. Samatra
d. Quito

Which city of the world is known as Golden City?
a. Johannesburg
b. Durban
c. Cape Town
d. Bisho

Which city is called the Granite City?
a. Venice
b. Aberdeen
c. Gibraltar
d. London

Which of the following place is famous as the Emerald Island?
a. Iceland
b. Vienna
c. Ireland
d. Prague

Which place is called Forbidden City?
a. Stockholm
b. Amsterdam
c. Lhasa
d. Oslo

Which city is famous as the City of Mosques?
a. Damam
b. Dehli
c. Dhaka
d. Lahore

Lion City is the famous name given to which city _____ ?
a. Singapore City
b. Vatican City
c. Mississippi City
d. Pamir

The Imperial City is the name of ______?
a. Kiev
b. Rome
c. Berlin
d. Milan

Which country has the city name given as “City of Widows”?
a. Palestine
b. Bhutan
c. Sri Lanka
d. India

City of Magnificent Distance is the name given to which place _____?
a. Washington
b. New York
c. Mississauga
d. Chicago