Famous Books and Authors

Important Novels and Poems Questions

Sunan Al Nisai is a book written by:
a. Ahmad Bin Shoaib
b. Abu Dawood
c. Muslim ibn Al-Hajjaj
d. Raza Aslam

Identify the writer of “Asar-us-Sanadid”:
a. Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan
b. Baba Bullay Shah
c. Faiz Ahmed Faiz
d. Hasrat Mohani

Kashf-al-Majoob is composed by:
a. Hazrat Ali Hajveri
b. Babar Fareed
c. Sultan Bahu
d. Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah

Wedding in the Flood is a book written by:
a. Zulfiqar Ghouse
b. Taufiq Rafat
c. Daud Kamal
d. Anthony Burgess

Attack on Sialkot Poem is written by:
a. Allama Iqbal
b. Zulfiqar Ghouse
c. Anwar Masood
d. Anis Nagi

Admi Nama Poem is written by whom?
a. Nazir Akbarabadi
b. Mir Taqi Mir
c. Momin Khan Momin
d. Rahat Indori

Identify the book of Syed Ameer Ali:
a. My Indian Years
b. War and Peace
c. Think and Grow Rich
d. The Spirit of Islam

The book Wealth of Nation was written by:
a. George Eliot
b. John Milton
c. Lord Byron
d. Adam Smith

Heer Ranjha is written by:
a. Shah Abdullah Bhitta
b. Waris Shah
c. Bulleh Shah
d. Sultan Bahu

Sassi Pannu was written by whom:
a. Shams Tabrizi
b. Hashim Shah
c. Amir Hussain
d. Alamgir Hashmi